Immersive Journalism
In this page, you'll find access to my publications on the topic.
PhD on Immersive Journalism
My PhD thesis was on Immersive Journalism. To me, Immersive Journalism is a way of storytelling in digital journalism aiming to reach a high level of user immersion. In my research, I have been exploring the visual and interactive features that accomplish that goal. In other words, I have been exploring a digital immersive rethoric.
You can access my thesis Periodismo inmersivo. Fundamentos para una forma periodística basada en la interfaz y en la acción here:
Periodismo inmersivo. Fundamentos para una forma periodística basada en la interfaz y en la acción. by Eva Domínguez
You can also find the book (in Spanish):
Other articles for the Academia published before and after my thesis:
- Domínguez E (2017) Going Beyond the Classic News Narrative Convention: The Background to and Challenges of Immersion in Journalism. Front. Digit. Humanit. doi: 10.3389/fdigh.2017.00010
- Kishore, S., Navarro, X.; Dominguez, E; De la Peña, N. & Slater, M. Beaming into the News: A System for and Case Study of Tele-Immersive Journalism in IEEE Computer Graphic and Applications, 2016. doi:10.1109/MCG.2016.44
- DOMÍNGUEZ-MARTÍN, Eva. "Periodismo inmersivo o cómo la realidad virtual y el videojuego influyen en la interfaz y la interactividad del relato de actualidad". El profesional de la información, 2015, julio-agosto, v. 24, n. 4, pp. 413-423.
- DOMÍNGUEZ, Eva. Los nuevos formatos inmersivos y su aplicación en el periodismo. En II Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo y Web 2.0, Bilbao 10-12 noviembre 2010.
- DOMINGUEZ, Eva. “Interfaces e interactividad: claves para una plástica periodística digital” a LARRAONDO, A. I SERRANO, A. (eds) Diseño periodístico en Internet. Zarautz: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2006, p. 81-101.
Los nuevos formatos inmersivos y su aplicación en el periodismo-1 (1)
I have written articles over the years:
- The year of spherical video 26/08/2015
- Physical, virtual and augmented realities 02/07/2015
- 10 roles to choose from in non-fiction interactives 03/04/2015
- The pleasure of linearity 21/09/2012
- Newsgames, playing with the news 31/07/2012
- Immersive reporting: the scene in 360 degrees 18/01/2012
- The downloable report comes to tablets 22/11/2012
- The documentary as digital experience 21/12/2010
- The immersive photo 19/04/2010
- Photographs no longer show an instant 19/05/2009
- The fluid interface 14/01/2009
- As if I were you: the trick of immersion 12/06/2008
- The technology that augments our reality 15/03/2007
- The Never-ending story 11/05/2006
- 360 degrees of immersion 13/01/2006
During my research I collected examples of webdocs in You can follow the topic Interactive & Immersive Journalism.
Durante mi investigación recopilé ejemplos de periodismo multimedia en
Puedes verlo en Interactive & Immersive Journalism.